Meeting with Spirit Travels of Spirit

Our Staff

Our Staff

Roberta Rendina

Yoga and meditation teacher and coordinator of Scuola Yoga Hridaya Italia located in Bologna and Modena.

Rosa Mura

Expert in quantum physics, bio-energy, metamedicine, pranotherapy and Essene therapist.

Matt Traverso

Coach and management trainer. International expert in health and wellness.

Laura Topper

New songwriter of positive thought, spiritual leader and founder of “Mama in Mission”.

Jason Salmon

Music therapist, songwriter and composer.

Davide Foschi

International artist and spiritual researcher. Founder of Nuovo Rinascimento.

Francesca Torre

Francesca Torre

Architect, Feng Shui consultant and Habitat Therapy according to Vibrational Medicine and Geobiology. Researcher in the field of Thin Energies.

Life is a Journey | By Tuscan Spirit